
How to demonstrate sentience? In the field of philosophical ideas we can not (easily) make predictions, but we can prove and demand that philosophical hypotheses should have:

  • Regarding the proposed subject:
    • Clarity
    • Internal coherence
    • Compatibility with the evidence (observations, experiences)
    • Explanatory capacity
    • Parsimony, in the sense of leaving out accessory or arbitrary elements
  • Regarding the author, the creation process, and its context:
    • Honesty
    • Impartiality
    • Skepticism
    • Recognize the intention
    • Recognize the motivation

Read more about how to demonstrate sentience.

Our work will be conducted under criteria of honesty, impartiality and skepticism. For each statement or assumption, however intuitive or common sense it may be, we will ask: why? In this way we will try to avoid falling into ideology. We recognize the risk of becoming fond of one’s theories as well as the fact that intuition is a very unreliable tool.

In terms of results, the activity of Sentience Research has to have a positive impact on reducing involuntary and useless suffering, or at worst a neutral impact. To ensure it, we will periodically evaluate our activities in relation to the risk of increasing suffering, and we will mitigate those risks. We will stop and undo (if possible) activities that could lead to an increase of suffering.

How to know if we are having or leading to a negative impact? The following piece by 80.000 hours list six ways people can unintentionally set back their cause,  giving some implicit and explicit suggestions to reduce the chances of making things worse.

The text is very helpful as it describes in many examples, with many details and realism, the different forms and scenarios in which things can go wrong. The periodic reading of this text, matching the examples shown with the situation of our project will be a very valuable tool to help us to prevent the possible negative impact of our activity.

Regarding our particular approach to study different Models of sentience and get a better understanding of sentience, we propose tools like Maps of theories about sentience, and Simulations.


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