How to Rewrite the Laws of Physics in the Language of Impossibility: An approach to exploring what reality can be like

>> The goal of constructor theory is to rewrite the laws of physics in terms of general principles that take the form of counterfactuals — statements, that is, about what’s possible and what’s impossible. It is the approach that led Albert Einstein to his theories of relativity. He too started with counterfactual principles: It’s impossible to exceed the speed of light; it’s impossible to tell the difference between gravity and acceleration.

>> The physics of life would be considered a subpart of this more general theory of the universal constructor. And you could imagine how a better understanding of the constructor-theoretic foundations of the laws of physics could give you ways of programming the universal constructor to perform tasks that are relevant to that field.

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A map of hypotheses related to consciousness, sentience and identity

The following map tries to present in a global way some of the theories and approaches on sentience / consciousness / identity, and in general, on reality, grouped into four large groups: GOD, PARTICLE, EMERGENCY and MATRIX. The enumeration is not exhaustive and several of these theories could be classified in more than one group at a time.

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