
Definitions > Panpsychism

Panpsychism is the view that consciousness, mind, or soul (psyche) is a universal and primordial feature of all things.

“Anything can be seen as conscious to at least an extremely limited degree” –Brian Tomasik

“Panpsychism is the doctrine that the world’s fundamental physical stuff also has primitive experiential properties. Unlike the physicalistic idealism explored here, panpsychism doesn’t claim that the world’s fundamental physical stuff is experiential. Panpsychism is best treated as a form of property-dualism.” –David Pearce

David Chalmers (2015) distinguishes between:

  • constitutive panpsychism, where animal consciousness is realized by more fundamental kinds of consciousness, e.g. micro-level consciousness.
  • non-constitutive panpsychism, according to which animal consciousness is among fundamental facts.


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